Wednesday, March 6, 2013

hand holding on the way to school.

B holds my hand still.


  1. Oh that is very sweet! I love hand holding. x

    1. hand holding makes my heart happy. i love that 2 out of 3 of the boys will still hold my hand, even on the way to school. makes my soul happy as well. Happy Weekending. xo

  2. I do love that my Miss 9 still likes to hold my hand. It will be a sad day when she stops doing it, it will mean I have to admit that she is growing up. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday. x

    1. yes my middle is 9 & he still holds my hand. It has been many a day since the oldest (13) held my hand. or gave me a proper hug....sigh. growing up & growing away. all so normal and expected but pulls on my heart strings none-the-less. xo
