Thursday, March 21, 2013

grabbing onto hands...

Are you like me? do you cling to those oh so small moments with your children? There are certain things I love snapping photos of lately. One is of my shoes when I am out and about. I seem to have a fascination about where I am going. The other is snapping pictures of my children holding onto my hand. My oldest doesn't hold my hand at all anymore, but the other two do. I just love it so. grabbing onto it before it slips away.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

oh my youngest.

he loses himself sometimes. crafting, making. he is so very strong willed so you cannot force him to sit down to make a craft or write a story, the tools have to be there, in sight, inviting him in, urging his little soul to make & do & think & create.
oh goodness. i decided to put this back into our living/dining room space again,  & i am ever so glad i did, for i wouldn't have these sweet little lines to enjoy along in my afternoon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

posts from the field

In and around town: a visit to the Theater with G's class.  
I took some notes...visual notes of sorts.

After we had all gathered in the class we walked to the local bus stop to take the  local cross-town bus to the theater in mid-town. It was not a bad bus ride at all. We sang some songs to distract ourselves from the tedious nature of the ride.
It felt long as we had a bit of a stop on the route and everyone was anxious to get there.  G was feeling a little sick after the ride though.  Part of it was anticipation, part of it was feeling jittery about it all, he loves the theater and all its excitement, but as I said, the bus ride felt long. Had to sneak in some crackers & a bit of cheese before we went into the Theater, but there was no time for a proper snack. We had arrived just in time.

The Theater. The children were bouncing with excitement, hardly able to contain themselves before they were ushered into the theater itself. The children had met several of the performers earlier in the week as they had done a class visit to show the children their instruments and talk about their passion for music.
During the show, as he snuggled up against me, G whispered to me that he wanted to learn how to play the Double Bass. He had simply fallen in love with it.  When the musicians came out after the performance, he was right there, soaking in all he could. His desire to learn to play was so very clear. 
However, he may need to start with the Cello first as I am pretty sure that is where you have to start when you are his age. I don't think the Double Bass comes in G's size.  I think it would be lovely for him to learn how to play an instrument, really good for him in so many ways, but he has an adventurer's heart so I wonder if he will be able to commit to it in the long term.  I never learned how to play an instrument, though I have often wished I had.

Sometimes I think our vision of greener  pastures for our own children is often not what they are envisioning at all, so I always want to tread lightly and not completely overlay my dreams onto their own.

Monday, March 11, 2013

a note from the middle one.

This is a project G worked on this week about Valentine's Day. He turned it in this past Friday, but I snapped a picture of it before he left the house that day. Yes, it is March and they were writing about Valentine's Day. But I loved the sweet story he made and who cares that it is March? If he is excited to work on a project I am all for it.
And yes, who would invite a bunch of mean aliens or mean humans to a Valentine's Day Party? No one WOULD want that. G hope you know how creative your mind is.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

the boys' week caught in stills

movement and more caught in a photo:
1. B talking about his digging project, again. & again. His dad was not happy about this one. Oops says me.
2. E up late researching on the internet & just. so. serious. & very much looking like his dad.
3. G just happy.
4. Cookbook recipe for banana nut muffins -the cookbook is all gooey-ed up and so very well loved. the banana bread was devoured days ago.
5. origami art on display from G's class
6. stopped at a stop light, B looking out the window. He is deep in thought.

hope you have a very lovely start to your week.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

10/52 the boys choice portraits for week 10.

E says that when he sees this picture he thinks of rock climbing. This was his favorite part of his adventures camping last weekend with his friends & school mates. He says, "It was thrilling. It was thrilling because I felt like I could do it. I am scared of heights, but here I wasn't. I conquered my fear. " 

G says: "What I like about this picture is that you can't see me. I am trying to climb back up the slide and don't want my picture taken. You can see just my bottom behind my friend who has his hands in the air."

B says: "I am reading a Magic Tree House book to my mom. I am smiling. I like to learn to read."

Have I mentioned how much I love these boys? because I so do. They are the best things that ever happened to their dad and me. Really. the best. xo

Friday, March 8, 2013

digging in the yard.

Blake would like to share with you that he has been digging a hole in the backyard. He says he has found something hard under the dirt and can't wait to dig deeper to find out what it is.
The utensil he is using to dig this hole is the leg off the boys' play table. This boy is ever so resourceful and clever. Don't you think?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

dear boys

Dear Boys,
Must be hard on the mornings when all of us are slow, and none of us want to get out of bed. Somedays you are resistant: the covers are just so warm, it is gray and rainy outside and sleeping seems more exciting than school. Mom wants another cup of coffee. Today you rallied. It was amazing, and somehow, we all danced out the door on time. I just wanted to thank you. It is so great when we work together as a team.
love you more everyday.
with all my heart,