Thursday, March 21, 2013

grabbing onto hands...

Are you like me? do you cling to those oh so small moments with your children? There are certain things I love snapping photos of lately. One is of my shoes when I am out and about. I seem to have a fascination about where I am going. The other is snapping pictures of my children holding onto my hand. My oldest doesn't hold my hand at all anymore, but the other two do. I just love it so. grabbing onto it before it slips away.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

oh my youngest.

he loses himself sometimes. crafting, making. he is so very strong willed so you cannot force him to sit down to make a craft or write a story, the tools have to be there, in sight, inviting him in, urging his little soul to make & do & think & create.
oh goodness. i decided to put this back into our living/dining room space again,  & i am ever so glad i did, for i wouldn't have these sweet little lines to enjoy along in my afternoon.